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Niels Hoven

I’m going to see dinosaurs

Scientists announced today that they’ve succeeded in retrieving most of the woolly mammoth DNA sequence from frozen hair samples. I’m predicting now, on November 20, 2008 (actually I predicted it yesterday, but just got around to posting this), that I will see live dinosaurs before I die. We have most of the genetic information, the technology will come, and the monetary incentives for bringing a dinosaur back to live are just too high to be passed up. It’s a shame Michael Crichton isn’t around to see this. Jurassic Park, here we come.

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  • fla_golfr

    Right, then maybe we can kill them with smog, bury them and make more oil!!!! Sorry for being so negative, but how else are we going to save the big 3 and then get your money back from the banks?

  • Stayin Real

    She never said the funding would come from the U.S. There are plenty of nations that woudl just on this bandwagon, and I would imagine that the U.S. woudl be able to magically find the funding for it if the option was there.

  • Actually, with the potential for profit so obvious, I suspect it will be done by a for-profit private corporation, not any particular government.

  • Those whoolly mammoths were the most fearsome of all the dinosaurs and they even survived the longest too like 2 bajillion years after most other dinosaurs died crazy good at evolving!