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Niels Hoven

Landmark strikes back

I recently posted a link to a French documentary that shines a spotlight on some of Landmark’s more disturbing practices.  According to The Truth about Human Potential Seminars, Landmark is hunting down the source of the documentary.  (There’s 60 million people in France.  I’m sure any one of several hundred thousand people have the capability to record a TV show and post it to the internet.)

Landmark Education subpoenaed the Internet Archive, Google Video and YouTube to reveal the identity of who uploaded the France TV 3 video on the Landmark Forum.

Enric Cirne

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  • They seem to love abusing the legal system in order to pursue their agenda and maintain a certain “public conversation” in the press, don’t they? Don’t have much tolerance at all for virtually any form of criticism of any kind, do they? All very interesting to watch this unfold. Seems very similar to the way Scientology tries to deal with material on the internet that they object to. “Always attack, never defend.” This is the same comparison made by Cult News in the latest article “Landmark Education wants to make French news report a “forbidden video” on the Net” – http://www.cultnews.com/?p=2176

  • Yeah, Scientology was the first thing I thought of. We have an interesting legal system in this country. You don’t have to be right, just rich.