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Niels Hoven

Funfilled days

This evening was a whirlwind. First came a mad dash to the bookstore to pick up a copy of Todd Duncan’s High Trust Selling (that’s right, it’s time to formalize my sales training). I sped from the bookstore to arrive at steel drum practice just a few minutes late. Practice was great – I finally have all the music memorized, and 90% of the rhythms figured out. There’s still a few that are eluding me, however. From there, I sped to Town Hall, arriving barely in time to hear a lecture from Dan Ariely on his new book, Predictably Irrational.

The lecture was great. Dan Ariely is hilarious, and the topic was right up my alley – very much along the intersection of social psychology and business, in the same vein as synthetic happiness and the paradox of choice. The lecture ended with just enough time for me to head to a friend’s house for a slideshow of photos from his recent Rickshaw Run from the southern tip of India to Kathmandu, Nepal. I really want to take a foolhardy adventure someplace soon. But I’m more driven to get my career handled and build a lifestyle where these trips can be regular, rather than once-in-a-lifetime adventures.

And so the rest of this week will be devoted to sales training and an investigation into existing job opportunities. Look out world, I’ve got direction!

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  • AC

    why aren’t you playing poker?

  • Poker has progressed so far since I used to play eight years ago that it would take a significant effort for me to catch up to the most current theory and strategy. Plus, with internet poker down, I would have to commute to find a good game. Games are best on Friday and Saturday nights, the times when I least want to work, and worst during the day, the times when I would most want to work.

    If I could work just a few hours a week to cover my expenses with poker, I might consider it, but if I’m going to invest a significant amount of time into a job, I want it to be something that moves me along the path toward my long term goal, like a sales job would.

  • You mention the intersection of business and social psychology, which is pretty much an area that I am quite interested in too. Could you post a book of recommended reading (across various disciplines) as I know that you read a lot.

    There are a ton of books on selling, psychology, evolution, etc. that are recommended across the self-improvement and business community and I’d like to see what’s on your prized bookshelf.

    Should make for a good post I think.


  • Sure, there’s a couple books that spring to mind, will post soon.